Get 20 Subscribers By Craigslist Daily

Today I want to talk about classified ads strategy to bring traffic to your squeeze page.

A classified ad is short ad on a classified ad website and comprised of few lines of text or image which when clicked will take you somewhere else online, where you desire to.

Can Classified Ads bring you traffic?

Yes, I have seen this strategy works. However some websites provide you better results than others.


Craigslist is my favorite. And I will talk about that today. Why I have chosen Craigslist today?

Because, its included among top most popular sites today and more importantly it’s a classified ad website.

I have been using Craigslist for long time with success. You can get 5-15 sign ups daily by this method.

You need to open an account with the Craigslist. Good news is it’s free. You can choose a country or a city to target as well.

This site is famous to change its algorithm to prevent you to multiple posting in 24 hours. If you post a genuine ad not more than 2 times a day its OK.

Let’s go and take a look at Craigslist. You will notice it’s not particularly attractive looking but it does a great job for a marketer like us.

It has all countries in the world on right hand site column. You can look at city wise too.

There is a category called services on the site, you need to match your niche in this area, for internet marketing, select small biz ads.

When you click there you will see a variety of ads there. Now let me tell you one important secret to succeed. A good classified ad is image driven. So get ready to find your image first.

How do we do it?

As you know, to start with you need a image itself. You need to get it designed by some body if you are not a designer.

I can recommend where people can do it in $5 for you. You can go to freelancer, or other out sourcing site for it.

If you are not considering an image as your best option then I would say it’s certainly worth to outsource, as image once created will be used time and again.

After you get your image you need to upload that image online.

Say your image with file name image.jpg is resting on desk top now. So from your computer you use ftp client and upload it to your website.

Once you complete upload process I would like you to check first its correctly uploaded.

To check for upload, type and check image appears online or not.

Now copy the location of squeeze page online from browser and paste it on your note pad.

If you want to post in small biz section in America it has to be a phone verified account which takes a minute to get it. For other countries you don’t need a phone verified account.

After creating your account go to “post to classifieds”. Then go into “service offered “area and click then go to small biz ads” then simply post the title in the area specified.

Below the title area you will find “Posting Description” where you will post your squeeze page link and call to action. Now browse image for ad resting on your hard disk and upload it now.

You will also see 3 options for your email address to choose from.

Then click “publish” on the bottom right of the page. You will be able to see your ad now. If you click on link below the image you will be sent to your destination page.

Go back to Craig list if you are happy with the looks of ad otherwise you can edit its text or image anytime. You will be sent an email for your ad url to manage your ad later on. The ad will be kept for 45 days on site.

If your image and text is good get ready to expect from 5-15 new subscribers daily.